Dedico este trabalho às minhas filhas Giulia e Maria Clara, que sem a existência, a minha vida teria significado meramente formal.
The present work is na analysis of applicability of the Law 12.318/2010, wich address Parental Alienation (PA) and Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), as well as the decision ruled by the Brasilian courts of lawregarding the PA. The subject is extremely important and incresinggly present in contemporary society and affects the daily lives of many children and adolescents. This work also highlights the inability of the Brasilian judicial aystem to handle the PAS; bringing forward that, despiste the existence of law 12.318//2010, wich was created to prevent PA, psychological damaging practice is far fron being curbed. Futhermore, it is noticeable the inaptitude of justice agents to handle this subject, what favors the PA perpetrador, since this inaptitude cause a delay on identificatiom of PAS, slowing down its prevention process. Currently in Brasil there are several parents and children suffering as resulto f PAS. As justice moves at a slow pace, the alienating parent often goes unpunished, having enough time to build in the children a despicable image of the alienated parent, ore rase from the children´s memories their existence, entitled “madeup death”. Living together plentifully is a fundamental right of parental relationship, na of extreme importance on the lives of children and their parents.
Key-words: Parental Alienation Syndrome, Parental Alienation, Richard Gardner, Family, Divorce, Legal Custody Dispute, Law 12.318/2010.
"Para estar junto não é preciso estar perto, e sim do lado de dentro."
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